日吉屋クラフトラボ・日吉屋で培ってきたノウハウを日本全国の伝統産業・中小企業の方々に活用いただき、経済活性化・文化の継承に貢献したいという想いから、講演や書籍の出版を行なっています。また、次代にジャパンブランドの価値を紡ぐコーディネーター・ブロデューサーを目指す人が実践を通して学べる場としてスクール事業も行っています。In the hopes of contributing as much as possible to both economic revitalization and cultural preservation, we also utilize the business experience and accumulated expertise acquired at Hiyoshiya Craft-Lab and Hiyoshiya by also providing lectures and published books. We also offer education programs to individuals who aspire to coordinator or producer roles to help define the evolving brand of Japan by providing learning programs in real workplace and OJT environments.


代表の西堀耕太郎は、日本全国の伝統産業・中小企業・大学機関の方々向けに、講演をさせていただいております。Kotaro Nishibori, CEO & Director of HIYOSHIYA CRAFT-LAB, provides lectures for companies and academic institutions related to traditional craft industries.

JETRO NYさま、JETRO 大阪さま、全国よろず支援拠点さま(鹿児島県、徳島県、秋田県など)、京都商工会議所さま、京都女子大学さま、太平洋人材交流センター(PREX)さま
JETRO New York, JETRO Osaka, Japanese government "Yorozu Business Support Centers" (Kagoshima, Tokushima, Akita, etc.), Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Kyoto Women's University, Pacific Resource Exchange Center (PREX) and more.

Past Lecture Themes:
- Tradition is Continuing Innovation - Advance to the World with Wagasa Craftsmanship
- Tradition is Continuing Innovation - Achieving Global Localization by International Collaborations with Traditional Craft
- Perceptions of Japanese Products in European Markets - What is the Secret to Success?
In addition to these example themes, we can also accommodate many other topics by request. Lectures in English are available upon request.

講演のご依頼はコンタクトページのフォームよりお問い合わせください。Please get in touch via the Contact Form with any inquiries regarding lectures.

書籍の出版Authored Books

2018年4月に今までの日吉屋での実体験や、新商品開発・販路開拓のエッセンスをまとめた書籍「伝統の技を世界で売る方法: ローカル企業のグローバル・ニッチ戦略(学芸出版社)」を上梓致しました。In April, 2018, Nishibori published the book, "How to Sell Traditional Craftsmanship to the World: Global Niche Strategy of Local Company" (Gakugei Publishing), about his episodes at Hiyoshiya, and the essentials of product development and global marketing.

「伝統の技を世界で売る方法: ローカル企業のグローバル・ニッチ戦略(学芸出版社)」
安定した地方公務員を辞め、妻の実家である京和傘の 日吉屋を継ぎ、それまで年商100万円台で倒産の危機にあった伝統工芸の零細企業が、V字回復してデザイン照明を世界で売る事が出来るようになるまでの紆余曲折の歴史と、その経験とノウハウを凝縮し、「Next Market-in」メソッドとして体系化したものを、日吉屋クラフトラボとして全国100以上の海外展開を支援に活用する実践的な商品開発、販路開拓、事業プロデュース法等を網羅しています。
"How to Sell Traditional Craftsmanship to the World: The Global Niche Strategy of a Local Company" (Gakugei Publishing)
Leaving a stable career in local government, Nishibori took over his wife's family business producing kyo wagasa (Japanese-style umbrellas). With annual sales of only around 1,000,000 yen at the time he arrived, the small family business of traditional craft was on the verge of shutting down. Yet, he led the business to a swift recovery by selling lighting decor in overseas markets. The book is about the ups and downs along the path to success, as well as practical applications of the "Next Market-in" methodology that he developed through the experience and accumulated know-how of his business efforts spanning a range of over 100 overseas projects involving product development, marketing, project direction, and more.

Great effort went into this book over the two years of its planning and writing.
We believe it functions as a good textbook for anyone interested in overseas marketing, such as traditional craftspeople, product manufacturers, designers, business owners, consultants, and project directors.
We hope you have the chance to enjoy reading it.

スクール事業Education Programs

日吉屋クラフトラボは「伝統は革新の連続 Tradition is Continuing Innovation」の理念の元、ノウハウ・ネットワークを同じように海外展開を目指す事業者様に対してもご提供し、広く伝統産業振興のお役に立ちたいとの想いからアドバイザリー事業に取組んでまいりました。この度、更にこの取組みを強化し、中小企業の海外展開に向けた、「新商品企画・開発」、「販路開拓」等へ取組みをご検討されている企業の方々やこのような取り組みを支援される支援機関の方々や専門家の方々に対し、海外展開コーディネーターとして活躍していただくための研修事業を行います。Following the credo, "Tradition is Continuing Innovation," HIYOSHIYA CRAFT-LAB is committed to supporting traditional craft industries by using its collected expertise and professional networks to provide comprehensive advisory services that help clients succeed in overseas expansion. Taking our initiative even further, we provide educational training programs focused on overseas marketing and project coordinating for both aspiring and existing professionals, or companies interested in "product planning & development" for overseas markets.

JAPAN BRAND PRODUCE SCHOOL is where individuals come to meet, practice, and learn as they begin shaping the future image of the Japan brand.

Japan's traditional arts and crafts meet state-of-the-art technology and services.
To preserve the techniques and values that have evolved through the ages, positioning Japan as a world leader in craftsmanship, we seek to pass this legacy on to the next generation and preserve the spirit of traditional craft by creating new ways to introduce it to global markets.
Through this program, we work with you in a three-day intensive workshop toward the goal of innovating to find new value in culture as you learn our methodology to become a "Japan Brand" producer, as well as receiving year-round access to practical training sessions for your ongoing proactive efforts, learning, and sharing about current and ongoing projects and findings.

詳しくは、「JAPAN BRAND PRODUCER」のサイトをご覧ください。For more details, please see the JAPAN BRAND PRODUCER website.




